Call to the Chinese companies based in Luxembourg
- Le 04/08/2014
Support the Chinese stand at the International Bazaar!
The International Bazaar is a Luxembourgish organisation that is quite unique. Run entirely by volunteers it is non-commercial and independent and combines the act of fundraising with a stylish multicultural event that attracts thousands of visitors into the halls of Luxexpo. Every year the International Bazaar supports around 100 carefully selected charities worldwide. The Bazaar is primarily a charity fund-raiser, but is also a great place to meet people and enjoy a great variety of food and drink and find gifts. Where else but in Luxembourg can you gather over 50 nationalities under one roof and see them raising funds for worthy causes while also representing their own countries?
A Chinese stand has been set up for the first time in 2013, with the support of His Excellency Zeng Xianqi, China's ambassador to Luxembourg and a few volunteers. A lot of preparation and private money went into this event and the whole team was on hand to greet numerous visitors who wanted to know more about Chinese traditions and culture. The stand proved to be a success! We have been working hard to get where we are now and the team intends to make the next event an even BIGGER success.
However this will not happen without your help. The settling down of Chinese companies in Luxembourg is an amazing opportunity for us. We need your financial support to help us buy Chinese goods and food for sale, without having to count on private money lenders, which will not be possible again this year. If each local Chinese company lends EUR 1.000, this will allow us to purchase a great amount of Chinese items and food to local Chinese stores and restaurants at a lower price and sell them on our Chinese stand for the benefit of the Bazaar. All amounts will be paid back and part of the profits will be used to buy further goods for the next Bazaar.
The Chinese stand is NEW at the International Bazaar. We need your support and the support of the Chinese community to launch it and make it last ! China has its place and an important role to play.
Thank you for your supportive help and let us all together bring China closer to Luxembourg while contributing to intercultural dialogue and being part of a trustworthy charity event for a better world.
Contribution and donations can be made via bank transfer using the following bank details:
Stand de Chine du Bazar International asbl
IBAN : LU98 0026 2100 5179 8700*
* If you wish to donate instead of lending money, please note that donations to charity and non-profit organizations can count as tax deductions for taxpayers.
Head of the Chinese stand : Lan Yao-Nevouet
Email :
Cell : (+352) 691 788 512
Please contact Lan Yao-Nevouet if you wish the Chinese stand to present a charity project in China to the Bazaar Committee.